Monday, 31 October 2011

My Exo Terra Turtle Bank Has Finally Arrived!

Hey there turt lovers!

I just got my exo terra turtle bank in the post! I bought it off Ebay, the postage was very very fast, but they sent the wrong one :( They send some cheap lucky reptile turtle dock, so I contacted them and they said they will get it out ASAP and surely enough it was there waiting for me when I got back from France! We did ask if they wanted the other turtle bank back, but theres no reply. I am hoping they dont reply and dont want it back, so I can use it as a shallow water area.

Anyway here are some pictures of it all set up...

Still no water added yet to the tank, as I dont have a filter but I will be ordering everything sometime this week so I can get it all setup and running, ready for my little musk turtle which I am getting in about 14 days!

Feel free to comment :)

~Turtle Josh

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

My Progress So Far...

Hi there

Im slowly getting all the requirments needed for a musk turtle setup. It does take time and the overall cost will be around £200.

Heres a recent picture of my tank...
Its 100 litres, 36" x 15" x 12". I got it for £5 off Ebay so its a great bargin!

The plants in there are plastic, I will be getting some lives ones nearer the time as well as one or two more plastic, as turtles like to rip them to pieces.
Theres a large piece of wood in there to scratch their shells and hide behind.
I use sand as a substrate as I feel its most natural for the turtles and it also means they can dig in it!

Ive also got a UV and heat bulb with a fitting just need to get one more. And the Ehiem 2213 is also on my shopping list along with more sand, plants.

I will also be adding some cory catfish, I havnt yet decided what species, depeding which the shops sells. Still debating whether to get shrimp or minnows.

So thats my progress so far, feel free to comment with any ideas or suggestions!

~ Josh

Welcome to a diary of a Razorback Musk Turtle!

Hi there everyone!

Recently a friend of my suggested I made a blog following the upadates of my future turtle im planning on getting in 20 days!

I will be getting a razorback musk turtle which is currently 1 inch long. So quite young.
There will be updates following his growth, tank consturction, feeding etc. Along with plently of pictures and videos.

I will be creating a care sheet for the musk turtle species, where you can learn about these wonderful reptiles and hopefully purchase one yourself.